
How To Use Pillow Python

Python is now ane of the about widely used programming languages in the world. Information technology tin be used to perform diverse functions and tasks using a simple syntax.

One important function Python can perform is automatic processing of digital images, which tin exist done using Pillow.

In this tutorial, we'll show y'all how to process images using the Pillow module. Then, we'll accept it a step farther and demonstrate how to implement some basic image operations.

To follow along with this tutorial, yous should have bones knowledge of Python and the Python 3 interpreter installed on your local machine.

What is Pillow?

Pillow is a fork of the Python Imaging Library (PIL). It is a free and open-source library for manipulating and processing images.

PIL is a powerful library in its own correct, but it hasn't been updated since 2009 and doesn't support Python 3. Pillow provides more features and back up for Python 3.

Pillow supports a range of image file formats, such every bit .PNG, .JPEG, .PPM, .GIF, .TIFF, and .BMP. Y'all can perform diverse operations on images such as cropping, resizing, adding text, rotating, grayscaling, and then much more using this library.

Installation and projection setup

You lot can install Pillow using pip, a package director for Python packages:

python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip python3 -m pip install --upgrade Pillow        

Pillow offers the Epitome object, which has inbuilt functions and properties on which manipulation operations tin be carried out.

To become started, start import the I``mage object to the Python file.

from PIL import Image        

Next, load the image past calling the office, which returns a value of the Epitome object data type.

image = up('sample.jpg')        

For our examples, nosotros'll utilize a sample paradigm from Unsplash.

Too worth noting, the images are in the same directory as the Python script file being run.

Properties of the Image object

There are several properties of the image nosotros can access to become more than data from the epitome:

  • prototype.width returns the width of the image
  • image.height returns the height of the image
  • image.format returns the file format of the image (e.yard., .JPEG, .BMP, .PNG, etc.)
  • prototype.size returns the tuple peak and weight of the image
  • prototype.palette returns the color palette table, if one exists
  • image.mode returns the pixel format of the epitome (e.m., one, 50, RGB, CMYK)

Bones image operations

We are too able to process and manipulate our images using diverse operations.

Whatever changes made to the Paradigm object can exist saved to an image file with the save() method. All the rotations, resizing, cropping, cartoon, and other epitome manipulations are done through via calls on this Image object.

Let'due south zoom in and explore some of these operations in more detail.

Irresolute epitome formats

Pillow supports a broad variety of images formats. An image can be converted from one format to another as follows:

image = up('sample.jpg')'sample_formatted.png')        

Get-go, the image is loaded. And then, Pillow sees the file extension specified as PNG, so it converts the paradigm to .PNG before saving it to file.

Creating thumbnails

You can resize images past creating a thumbnail of the epitome using Pillow.

Using the thumbnail() function, the image is resized to keep its aspect ratio. This takes ii values representing the maximum width and maximum superlative of the thumbnail.

image ='sample.jpg') image.thumbnail((200, 200)) image.salvage('sample_thumbnail.jpg')        

Creating a Thumbnail for an Image in Python Using Pillow

The image is then resized within the maximum limit so as not to be overstretched or blurred.

Flipping and rotating images

If you need the prototype to face a unlike direction, Pillow enables you to flip it. This is washed using the transpose part, which takes whatever of the following parameters:

  • Paradigm.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT, which flips the image horizontally
  • Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM, which flips the paradigm vertically
  • Prototype.ROTATE_90, which rotates the image to a certain degree, depending on the angle
epitome ='sample.jpg')  prototype.transpose(Image.FLIP_TOP_BOTTOM) prototype.salvage('sample_flip.jpg')

Flipping an Image in Python Using Pillow

The resulting epitome is flipped vertically.

Alternatively, you can rotate images using the rotate() method. This takes an integer or float statement representing the degrees of rotation and returns a new Epitome object of the rotated image. The rotation is counterclockwise.

prototype ='sample.jpg')  image.rotate(90)'image_rotate90.jpg')        

Rotating an Image in Python Using Pillow

The image is rotated by an angle of 90 degrees.

Cropping images

To ingather an paradigm is to cut out just a specific portion. Cropping frequently comes into play when editing images for spider web applications.

The crop() role in Pillow requires the portion to be cropped as a rectangle. The method takes a box tuple that defines the position and size of the cropped region and returns an Image object representing the cropped image. The region is defined by a 4-tuple, where coordinates are (left, upper, right, lower).

image ='sample.jpg')  epitome.crop(200, l, 450, 300) epitome.salve('sample_cropped.jpg')        

Cropping an Image in Python Using Pillow

In the example to a higher place, the commencement two values correspond the starting position from the upper-left; the third and fourth values represent the distance in pixels from the starting position toward the right and lesser direction.

The full size of the cropped prototype can be calculated as 250×250 pixels.

Colour transformation

There are various forms of pixel representations, including L (luminance), RGB, and CMYK.

Pillow allows y'all to convert images between different pixel representations using the convert() method. The library supports transformations betwixt each supported mode too as the "Fifty" and "RGB" modes. To catechumen betwixt other modes, you may have to use an "RGB" image.

image ='sample.jpg')  grayscale_image = image.convert('50')'sample_grayscale.jpg')        

Transforming the Color Palette of an Image in Python Using Pillow

Using the convert function, the sample image is converted from RGB to L (luminance) manner, which will result in a grayscale image.

Image filtering

The act of modifying and enhancing images to amend the appearance tin be known as filtering.

Using the ImageFilter module from Pillow, you can admission to the filter() method and employ various filter techniques, including:

  • Mistiness
  • Contour
  • Acuminate
  • Smoothen

For instance, allow's take a look at the FIND_EDGES filter:

from PIL import Image, ImageFilter  epitome = up('sample.jpg') edges_image = image.filter(ImageFilter.FIND_EDGES)'sample_edges.jpg')        

Applying a Filter to an Image in Python Using Pillow

The filter processes the epitome to display the edges of the paradigm.

Any image can be processed using any of the filters available to produce the desired output.

Processing images with Pillow: A practical instance

At present that we take a basic understanding of the library, permit's create a simple python script to automate the processing of various types of images.

Allow'due south say yous're given a group of images and asked to add a watermark to each prototype.

To solve the problem, you can create a Python file called in the same binder equally the images.

Get-go, import all necessary modules:

import os from PIL import Image        

The OS module in Python provides functions for creating and removing a directory and changing and identifying the current directory.

Create a directory for the candy image:


Shop the width and superlative of the logo image:

logo_image ='watermark_logo.png') logo_image = logo_image.resize((50, 50)) logo_width, logo_height = logo_image.size        

Employ the os.listdir function together with a for loop:

for epitome in bone.listdir('./images'):     endeavor:     # Separting the filepath from the image'due south name        path, filename = os.path.split(image)        filename = bone.path.splitext(filename)[0]        

Open up the image:

          prototype ='./images/'+image) #Resizing the image to a fix size.        edited_image = image.resize((300, 300)) #Setting the position for the placement        width = edited_image.width        height = edited_image.elevation        

Use the paste role to position the logo on the image:

edited_image.paste(logo_image, (width - logo_width, peak - logo_height), logo_image)        

Relieve the images in the new directory:

          edited_image.relieve('./watermarked_Images/' + filename + ".jpg")        

Each paradigm in the directory has been processed and the watermark added. This script enabled us to efficiently perform the task in less time.

You tin can also check out the GitHub repository for the full code and resources associated with this tutorial.


Pillow is a powerful library for processing images in Python. In this tutorial, we established a foundational agreement of how to perform bones operations on images in Python using Pillow.

If yous want to learn more, bank check out the official Pillow documentation.

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How To Use Pillow Python,


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